Thursday, May 26, 2011

What's Next...?

It is amzing to me how many people have questions about my wife's womb. What do I mean by that you ask? It was not even 2 months after the wedding when the "When are you going to have a baby?" questions started. We told them that we wanted to wait until we had a chance to hang out with each other for about a year or so before all of that baby stuff.

So, a year has come and gone and being true to our word...we are pregnant!

We aree UBER excited about our new addition to the Corbin household. We waited until after the 1st trimester to tell those who are not immediate family members (our parents and siblings would have kicked our butts if we made them wait). It is so overwhelming to see the amont of love and support that we are getting from family and friends. We are truly blessed beyond measure!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

A New Year & New Blessings!

Cheers to a most awesome New Year. May this be your best one yet! We celebrated our one year anniversary by taking a vacation to the Grand Caymans and Cozumel, Mexico. It was so wonderful to look at crystal clear waters and flawless blue skies. Did I mention the most romantic sunsets that one could wish for? It was the perfect way to celebrate our love and the wonderful moments that we have and are looking forward to within our marriage. We have been so busy and have not updated our blog in months. Please forgive us :) Nonetheless, we will try to do a better job!

-The Mrs.