Monday, March 16, 2009

15 pounds down, 7 more to go!

I am elated to report that I have reached the 15 pound weight loss marker! Woohoo! I can now fit clothes that I had outgrown and even some that I had refused to give away. Yes, I can admit it. There were two pair of fly jeans that fit my body to perfection and I was determined to get back in those babies. Come on ladies, admit it. You know the ONES....those jeans that hug your curves and the ones that you know makes men and women alike look. We all have at least one pair of jeans like that. If not, step your game up and get like those of us that do :-) It's such a GREAT feeling. It's been a journey and will continue to be one. I am also happy to report that I am slowly falling back in love with running. I feel refreshed after my workouts now. There are actually days that I look forward to going to the gym and even running a couple or few miles. Imagine that! Dress, here I come.

Peace, The Future Mrs.

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